
Transactional Services Through Background Jobs

View other enterprise systems with suspicion and distrust—any of them can stab you in the back.

Michael T. Nygard—Release It!

Inevitably applications need to do actual time consuming, highly coordinated work. As engineers we know not to handle such hard work during a request, it needs to be pushed into the background. Often that work can be performed locally inside of application code, or purely within the database; but eventually external systems will come into play. When our applications start coordinating work with external services we can really start to lean on our background processor for isolation from others systems outside of our control.

Transactional Services at Work

Let's set up a scenario, something common and digestible, and work through how to break it up at the boundaries. This (relatively) concrete example will demonstrate when and how to make services transactional through isolation.

Our application accepts multimedia uploads, including videos. Perhaps we've found that handling uploads is fraught with timeouts and connection issues, so instead the mobile apps upload videos directly to S3. The mobile app then alerts the server that a video is ready and the server sets off to start processing the video. We spare no expense processing the video, and so numerous external services are utilized. Processing is comprised of several steps:

  • Copy the video from a temporary location specified by the mobile app and into a permanent location specified by the server
  • Transcoded the video into multiple formats for portability
  • Go the extra mile for your users and automatically transcribe it

Each one of those tasks require interfacing with an external service, and the failure of one task shouldn't have any effect on the others. Each task must be wrapped in an independent unit of work, a background job. The job manager will make sure the work is done in a transactional manner, handling retries in the event of errors.

Packaging Up the Work

A transaction is an abstract unit of work processed by the system. This is not the same as a database transaction. A single unit of work might encompass many database transactions.

Michael T. Nygard—Release It!

If the video processing was a series of interactions with an ACID compliant database, all of the operations could be wrapped in a transaction, or set of transactions. If any of the processing steps were to fail all of the changes could be rolled back and retried again later. This behavior is fundamental to eliminating duplicate entries and orphaned data.

Here is a paraphrased example illustrating how the steps in our video processing task would operate if we could wrap them in a database transaction:

def process_video(video_id)
  video = Video.find(video_id)

  Video.transaction do

Sadly, services over the internet don't provide any such transactional behavior, so we need to approximate it ourselves. We can compensate for a lack of transactional safety by breaking tasks into discrete background jobs.

Translating to Background Jobs

Because it is amazingly fast and utterly reliable, we'll use Sidekiq for our examples. However, the same principles hold true for any background processing library that automatically retries failing jobs—most ActiveJob compliant queues will do the trick.

The processing sequence starts with a worker that copies the remote file and then kicks off the other jobs.

class VideoCopyWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(video_id, object_path)
    video = Video.find(video_id)

    perform_copy!(video, object_path)


  def perform_copy!(video, object_path)!(object_path)

  def enqueue_processing(video)

After the object is successfully copied, the transcode and transcription workers are enqueued to process the video. If the cloud_copy! fails it will raise an exception, aborting the job and triggering a retry a little bit later. A failed cloud copy also prevents the other workers from being enqueued. At a later point, when the cloud_copy! is successful the secondary jobs will be enqueued.

The workers are wrapped safely in individual jobs. This encapsulation is essential to prevent duplicate work and prevent unwanted side effects. To paint a clearer picture here are pseudo examples of the transaction and transcription workers:

class VideoTranscodeWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(video_id)
    video = Video.find(video_id)!

class VideoTranscribeWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(video_id)
    video = Video.find(video_id)!

The implementation of Transcoder and Transcriber are intentionally vague to keep the focus on job encapsulation rather than actual service integration.

Idempotent Jobs are Critical

It is important to keep each job idempotent, meaning the job can be called repeatedly but will only perform the actual work once. In order to keep the VideoCopyWorker job idempotent there needs to be a check for whether the video has been copied yet:

def perform(video_id, object_path)
  video = Video.find(video_id)

  unless video.copied?
    perform_copy!(video, object_path)

Each of the workers needs a similar guard to ensure it is idempotent.

Enforce Boundaries

Splitting work that coordinates with external systems into independent jobs is simple, straight forward, and a reliable way to give your system more resiliency. Just as you split classes up by responsibility and minimize communication between objects, break work apart around integration points with other systems. Isolate external integrations like it is going out of style (which it's not). Don't trust other systems with your sites reliability. External may mean another process, a different host, or a service provided by another company, it's all the same to your system.