
Instrumenting Your Cache with Notifications

ActiveSupport, the utility belt portion of Rails, ships with Notifications, a module for instrumenting libraries and applications. It has a simple and highly flexible API that makes it a suitable tool for more than instrumenting performance.

Many of the gems intended to work with Rails come with built in support for hooking into Notifications. Readthis, a Redis based caching library, is among the gems that have support built in. Provided ActiveSupport is available Readthis will use Notifications to instrument every cache operation as a separate event. Because instrumentation is so flexible, Readthis doesn't have any additional hooks for debugging or configuration for a logger. Here we'll at a few powerful ways to utilize instrumentation in your app.

The Basics of Notifications

The Notifications module has excellent documentation that is recommended reading for any Rails developer. However, as a precursor to the use cases we're about to explore, here are the most important parts:

  • Notifications are publish and subscribe operations around a queue.
  • Notifications can be subscribed to by name or as a pattern with regular expressions. Similarly named notifications can be grouped.
  • Notifications are lazy, making them a no-op unless something has registered to listen. There is minimal overhead in dispatching events without any subscribers.
  • Notifications are designed for measuring performance, as such they include timing raw timing information through start and finish times.

To instrument a bit of code all that's required is wrapping it in an instrument block:

ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('event.namespace', payload) do

By itself the instrument block won't emit any events. However, once some other part of your application has subscribed to the event.namespace event then metrics will start to be reported. The most straight forward use of instrumentation is tracking metrics, so let's start there.

Collecting Cache Performance Metrics

Measuring performance is the primary use case for instrumenting with notifications, making it a natural starting point. Any service that aggregates metrics over time, such as statsd, is perfect for collecting remotely. All that is required is to subscribe to a pattern that matches any cache operation and forward the timing measurements to the statsd instance:

require 'statsd'

ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(/cache_.*\.active_support/) do |name, start, finish, _, _|
  Statsd.measure(name, finish - start)

Every time a cache operation is called a new measurement will be emitted. The service aggregating the metrics will collapse them within the resolution window, typically a matter of seconds. Using a visualization tool such as Librato or Graphite the measurements can then be averaged, have standard deviation tracked, etc.

Enhancing Logs With Cache Metrics

There are echelons of logging and log integration within a production application. Logging can range from robust production level logging to simple debug statements stuffed into development. Hooking into Rails for production metrics logging is too complex a topic for this post, instead we'll look at outputting simpler debugging logs.

There are a wide assortment of loggers in the Rails space, but we'll work with the vanilla Rails logger here. It makes use of ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber to register and measure runtimes for database and view performance. The APIs used for logging are wide open, and can be used to include custom values.

module Readthis
  class LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber

    # LogSubscriber wraps payloads in an Event object, which has convenience
    # methods like `#duration`
    def cache_read(event)
      payload = event.payload

      debug "Readthis: #{payload[:name]} (#{event.duration}) #{payload[:key]}"

    alias_method :cache_write, :cache_read

Readthis::LogSubscriber.attach_to :active_support

The log subscriber must be "attached" to a particular namespace. With notifications the namespace is appended to the end of the event name, for example the cache_read event is namespaced as cache_read.active_support.

When a read or write event is emitted you'll have entries like this output to the logs:

Readthis: read (1.74) model/1/12345678

Tracking Cache Hit Rates

Within applications it is common to use fetch to retrieve values. Any direct call to cache within a template is really calling Rails.cache.fetch. The benefit of using fetch over read is that it accepts a block and will use the result of the block to write a value to the cache if the read is a "cache miss". Here is a simple example of using fetch:

cache.fetch('special-info') do
  'Expensive info to be cached'

If the key 'special-info' has been cached it will be returned immediately from a cache read, if it is missing it will be written with a write. It is desirable to have a warm cache with a majority of fetches resulting in reads rather than writes. Notifications can be used to track the hit rate of fetch operations by comparing raw reads to raw writes. Here is a simplistic class that uses sets to maintain a list of all keys for read and write operations:

require 'set'

module Readthis
  class HitRateInstrumenter
    attr_reader :reads, :writes

    def initialize
      @reads  =
      @writes =

      subscribe('cache_read.active_support', @reads)
      subscribe('cache_write.active_support', @writes)

    def hit_rate
      1 - (reads.intersection(writes).length.to_f / reads.length)

    def reset


    def subscribe(pattern, set)
      ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(pattern) do |_, _, _, _, payload|

When the class is initialized it subscribes to the events that it cares about and simply stores the cache key in each set. Later we can compute the hit rate percentage by comparing the number of keys that are read to the number that are written.

cache =
instrumenter =

cache.fetch('a') { true }
cache.fetch('b') { true }
cache.fetch('a') { true }

instrumenter.hit_rate #=> 0.5

Add Notifications to Your Toolbelt

Notifications are integral to the modularity and re-usability of Rails internals, and a powerful abstraction to have at your disposal. Reach for them whenever you need to measure, log, or track events within an application.