
Layering API Defenses with Caching

This is the story a woefully slow API endpoint. It starts out unprotected and naive; recalculating the world on every request and vulnerable to floods of traffic. Like a castle, defenses must be layered on for degrees of protection and resiliency. Some layers make the endpoint faster, while other layers harden it against change. In the end, the endpoint will be well defended and wickedly fast.

Starting From the Outside

We'll start with a vanilla Rails app, with simple authentication and a single endpoint defined for posts. Posts are top level objects that also have an author and associated comments. The published scope limits the response to only include published posts, and it also pre-loads the associated records. The endpoint naively generates a brand new JSON payload for every request:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    posts = current_user.posts.published

    render json: posts.to_json(include: %i[author comments])

Now we benchmark the results of assaulting this endpoint with siege. Siege saturates the endpoint with repeated concurrent requests and measures performance statistics. The same requests will be used to benchmark all subsequent modifications, with slight modifications to headers where necessary. All tests are run in production mode to mimic a real production environment.

siege -c 10 -r 10 -b


Transactions:                    100 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                  10.89 secs
Data transferred:              14.54 MB
Response time:                  1.05 secs
Transaction rate:               9.18 trans/sec
Throughput:                     1.34 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    9.60
Successful transactions:         100
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            1.43
Shortest transaction:           0.34

With the initial benchmark in hand our endpoint is ready for layering on some defenses.

The Outer Curtain Wall (HTTP Caching)

The outer layer of defense is HTTP Caching. HTTP caching is the outer wall, catching hints about what clients have seen and responds intelligently. If a client has already seen a resource and has retained a reference to the Etag or Last-Modified header, then our application can quickly respond with a 304 Not Modified. The response won't contain the resource, allowing the application to do less work overall.

Support for If-Match and If-Modified-Since, the reciprocals to Etag and Last-Modified, respectively, are built into Rails. Controllers have fresh_when, fresh?, and stale? methods to make HTTP caching simple. Here we're adding a stale? check to the index action:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    posts = current_user.posts.published

    if stale?(last_modified: posts.latest.updated_at)
      render json: posts.to_json(include: %i[author comments])

Now we can re-run siege with the If-Modified-Since header using the latest post's timestamp.

siege -c 10 -r 10 -b -H 'If-Modified-Since: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 14:13:50 GMT'


Transactions:                    100 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                   2.82 secs
Data transferred:               0.00 MB
Response time:                  0.27 secs
Transaction rate:              35.46 trans/sec
Throughput:                     0.00 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    9.65
Successful transactions:         100
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            0.33
Shortest transaction:           0.06

The data transfer has plummeted to 0.00 MB and the elapsed time is 2.82 secs. This is only possible if the client has already cached the data though. What if the client doesn't have anything cached locally?

Turrets & Towers (Document Caching)

When the endpoint is a shared resource that the current client hasn't seen yet it is still possible to return an entire cached payload. This is action caching in Rails. Unlike HTTP caching, where the resource is cached by the client, action caching requires the server to cache the full payload. This is where a cache like Redis or Memcached comes into play.

Action caching is applicable to any resource that is shared between multiple users without any customization applied. A cache convenience method is available within every controller, providing a shortcut to the cache#fetch method and automatically scoped to the controller.

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    posts = current_user.posts.published

    if stale?(last_modified: posts.latest.updated_at)
      render json: serialized_posts(posts)


  def serialized_posts(posts)
    cache(posts) do
      posts.to_json(include: %i[author comments])

Now the test can be re-run, this time without any HTTP cache headers.

siege -c 10 -r 10 -b


Transactions:                    100 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                   0.61 secs
Data transferred:              14.54 MB
Response time:                  0.06 secs
Transaction rate:             163.93 trans/sec
Throughput:                    23.84 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    9.69
Successful transactions:         100
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            0.09
Shortest transaction:           0.03

Believe it or not the response times are even faster. Total elapsed time is down to 0.61 secs, but we are back to 14.54 MB of data transfer. For a high speed connection the data transfer isn't a problem, but what about mobile devices?

The Drawbridge (Size Reduction)

Reducing the size of an application's responses isn't quite caching, but a door on a chain doesn't exactly sound like defense either. Computing responses can be slow, and the effect of sending large data sets over the wire (particularly to a mobile device) can have a more pronounced effect on speed.

Summary representations as can be used to broadly represent resources instead of more detailed representations. Listing a collection only includes a subset of the attributes for that resource. Some attributes or sub-resources are computationally expensive to provide, and not needed at a high level. To obtain those attributes the client must fetch a separate detailed representation. Each of these representations can be cached individually, or you may opt to cache the summary representation and layer on the less frequently accessed detailed representation.

In our example the posts are being sent along with the author and all of the comments. Chances are that the client doesn't need all of the comments up front, so let's eliminate those from the index payload. Note, using a serializer library like ActiveModelSerializers is recommended over passing options to to_json, but we're aiming for clarity.

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    posts = current_user.posts.published

    if stale?(last_modified: posts.latest.updated_at)
      render json: serialized_posts(posts)


  def serialized_posts(posts)
    cache(posts) do
      posts.to_json(include: %i[author])

Only the include block has been changed to omit comments.


Transactions:                    100 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                   0.62 secs
Data transferred:               4.17 MB
Response time:                  0.06 secs
Transaction rate:             161.29 trans/sec
Throughput:                     6.72 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    9.74
Successful transactions:         100
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            0.08
Shortest transaction:           0.03

The elapsed time is slightly lower, at 0.62 secs, but the real win is that the data transfered is down from 14.52 MB to 4.17 MB. Over a non-local connection that will have a significant impact.

The Gatehouse (Perforated Caching)

So far our endpoint has been considered unchanging. All of a user's posts are cached together in a giant blob of JSON. Typically, resources that are part of a collection don't expire all at once. It is probable that most cached posts are fresh, with only a few stale entries. Perforated caching is the technique of fetching all fresh records from the cache and only generating stale records. Not only does this reduce the time our application spends serializing JSON, it also reduces the stale blobs laying around in the cache waiting to expire.

This behavior is built into ActiveModelSerializers, provided caching has been enabled. We'll simulate it with a private method inside the controller for now.

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    posts = current_user.posts.published

    if stale?(etag: posts, last_modified: posts.latest.updated_at)
      render json: serialized_posts(posts)


  def serialized_posts(posts) do |post|
      cache(post) { post.to_json(include: %i[author]) }

Without sporadically expiring requested objects, you'll see a 100% hit rate for every request after the first. That makes testing the endpoint a little misleading, as it will appear slower than action caching and you can't see the benefit of fine grained caching.


Transactions:                    100 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                   1.84 secs
Data transferred:               4.17 MB
Response time:                  0.18 secs
Transaction rate:              54.35 trans/sec
Throughput:                     2.26 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    9.71
Successful transactions:         100
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            0.25
Shortest transaction:           0.08

As expected the results are slower, down to 1.84 secs for the full run. That is still nearly 10x faster than the original time of 10.89secs though, and it comes with added resiliency against complete cache invalidation.

The Barbican (Fragment Caching)

Personalized payloads can't be cached in their entirety. Usually some, if not most, of the payload can be cached and the personalized data is generated during the request. This situation arises when a cache key would be so specific that you're generating a cache entry for every user. That's useless and wasteful, not clever at all!

This is a variant of fragment caching, with a twist. Typically fragment caching sees each record serialized and fetches a portion of the results to avoid expensive computations. Well, serializing the record is the expensive computation!

We want to pull the post out of the cache and inject a personalized attribute directly. In this case, want to indicate whether the client has ever "read" this post before. The client could be anybody, but the rest of the response is the same for everybody.

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    posts = current_user.posts.published

    if stale?(last_modified: posts.latest.updated_at)
      render json: serialized_posts(posts)


  def serialized_posts(posts) do |post|
      cached = cache(post) { post.as_json(include: %i[author]) }

      cached[:read_before] = current_user.read_before?(post)


Transactions:                    100 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                   4.08 secs
Data transferred:               0.03 MB
Response time:                  0.40 secs
Transaction rate:              24.51 trans/sec
Throughput:                     0.01 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    9.73
Successful transactions:         100
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            0.45
Shortest transaction:           0.20

Now the post had to be cached with as_json instead of to_json, so that we could modify it as a hash and avoid re-serializing it during the request. Even so, the total runtime only grew to 4.08 secs, merely 38% of the original naive runtime. Still, avoid personalizing cached endpoints whenever possible. It is drastically slower, and introduces a lot of additional complexity.

Mounting Defenses

Strategic caching can get you a long way, but be sure to employ additional defenses against ballooning payloads and malicious requests. Practices like rate limiting and resource pagination are invaluable for maintaining predictable response times. Relying on a single layer of defense is a performance headache waiting to happen. Each layer of caching takes a little more effort than the previous layer, but a couple of layers working together will get you started.

Note: External layers like a reverse-proxy cache can check the contents of the Cache-Control header to fully respond to requests for public resources, without even touching your application layer. However, this post focused on what your application can do itself, so there weren't any details about that.