
Oban Recipes Part 5: Batch Jobs

The first post details what Oban is, what you may use it for, and what inspired this series—it may be helpful to read that before jumping into the recipe here!

Batching Jobs for Monitoring

In the previous post we looked at tracking the progress of a single job as it executes. What about tracking the progress of tens, hundreds or thousands of jobs as they execute? In that situation we want to monitor the jobs as a group—execute them in parallel and then enqueue a callback when all the jobs are finished. At least one popular background job processor calls these groups "batches", and so we'll adopt that term here as we build it out with Oban.

Use Case: Notifying Admins When an Email Delivery is Complete

Admins on our site send weekly batch emails to a large mailing list to let users know new content is available. Naturally the system sends emails in parallel in the background. Delivery can take many hours and we want to notify our admins when the batch is complete. This is an admittedly simple use case, but it is just complex enough to benefit from a batching flow.

At a high level, the worker flow looks like this:

  1. Generate a unique id for the batch, it can be entirely random or something structured like "my-batch-1"; any string will due, provided it is unique for the forseable future.
  2. Count the total number of jobs to execute. This is the batch_size, which we'll use later to decide whether all jobs have completed.
  3. Create a worker that has a perform/2 clause matching a batch_id key. This clause will handle the real work that the job is meant to do, and afterwards it will start a separate process to check whether the batch is complete. Since executed jobs are stored in the database with a completed state we can evaluate whether this was the final job in the batch.
  4. When we detect that the current job is the last one we enqueue one final job with different arguments to indicate that it is the "completed" callback. Through the magic of pattern matching this "callback" job can live within the same worker.

Here is the worker module with both the primary and callback clauses of perform/2:

defmodule MyApp.BatchEmailWorker do
  use Oban.Worker, queue: :batch, unique: [period: 60]

  import Ecto.Query

  @final_check_delay 50

  @impl true
  def perform(%{"email" => email, "batch_id" => batch_id, "batch_size" => batch_size}, _job) do

    Task.start(fn ->

      if final_batch_job?(batch_id, batch_size) do
        %{"status" => "complete", "batch_id" => batch_id}
        |> new()
        |> Oban.insert()

  def perform(%{"status" => "complete", "batch_id" => batch_id}, _job) do
    MyApp.Mailer.notify_admin("Batch #{batch_id} is complete!")

Within the first perform/2 clause we deliver a weekly update email and then start a separate task to check whether this is the final job. The task is not linked to the job and it uses a short sleep to give enough time for the job to be marked complete; the goal is to prevent race conditions where no calback is ever enqueued. The final_batch_job?/2 function is wrapper around a fairly involved Ecto query:

defp final_batch_job?(batch_id, batch_size) do
  |> where([j], j.state not in ["available", "executing", "scheduled"])
  |> where([j], j.queue == "batch")
  |> where([j], fragment("?->>'batch_id' = ?", j.args, ^batch_id))
  |> where([j], not fragment("? \\? 'status'", j.args))
  |> select([j], count( >= ^batch_size)

This private predicate function uses the Oban.Job struct to query the oban_jobs table for other completed jobs in the batch. Within the query we use a fragment containing the indecipherable ->> operator, a native PostgreSQL jsonb operator that keys into the args column and filters down to jobs in the same batch. The equally indecipherable existence operator (\\?), which must be double escaped within a fragment, helps to ensure that we aren't creating duplicate callback jobs. When the number of completed or discarded jobs matches our expected batch size we know that the batch is complete!

It's worth mentioning at this point that by default there aren't any indexes on the args column, so this query won't be super snappy with a lot of completed jobs laying around. If you plan on integrating batches into your workflow, and you want to ensure that callback jobs are absolutely unique, you should add a unique index on batch_id, and possibly one for the status argument.

To kick off our batch job we generate a batch_id and a iterate through a list of emails:

batch_id = "email-blast-#{DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now())}"
batch_size = length(emails)

for email <- emails do
  %{email: email, batch_id: batch_id, batch_size: batch_size}
  |> Oban.insert!()

Historic Observation

This batching technique is possible without any other tables or tracking mechanisms because Oban's jobs are retained in the database after execution. They're stored right along with your other production data, which opens them up to querying and manipulating as needed. Batching isn't built into Oban because between queries and pattern matching you have everything you need to build complex batch pipelines.

One final note: querying for completed batches all hinges on how aggressive your pruning configuration is. If you're pruning completed jobs after a few minutes or a few hours then there is a good chance that your batch won't ever complete. Be sure that you tune your pruning so that there is enough headroom for batches to finish.

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